This Project was born from the interpretation of the city of Rhonda in its context. The city, from its higher point, observes the Sierra de las Nieves and the natural park of Grazalema. Metaphorically, the project offers this new pubic space, from which to “observe” the city of Rhonda. The gorge of the river Guadalevin, which has been digging it for centuries, is considered as a natural monument, and the “gorge” that gives way to the bus station reflects it. The construction consists of two separated buildings: the Library and the Bus Station, both linked by a great platform: a public square that connects the first floor of the bus station to the ground floor of the Library.
project manager : Ignasi Navás, arch. / project arch. : Susana Leal, Laura Rubí, Juan Manuel Martín, Javier Amador, Amado Martín, Ignasi Navás.
Ronda City Council
2012 -
2.016 m2 (built) + 2.860 m2 (public space)
Luís Angel Domínguez Moreno